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The Entire Tone Junkie ToneX Collection! currently consisting of 20+ ToneX Tone Model Packs in a single, low priced Bundle!

DMBL ODS 124 ToneX Captures Pack
Sale Price:$30.00 Original Price:$45.00

The Perfect AC30

The 66 AC30 ToneX Capture Pack seeks to recreate the sound of HW’s 1966 VOX AC30 with Alnico Silver Bells. I made these for me, just how I like it and I thought you might to…It’s the perfect AC30 and it’s on us in the ToneX Free Pack! Sign up and get this enjoy one of my all time favorite…

65 Deluxe Reverb

The 65 Deluxe Reverb ToneX Capture Pack seeks to recreate the sound of HW’s 1965 Deluxe Reverb. This amp is a killer pedal platform so I added a few pedals in but also captured both the normal and vibrato channels so you get…